An HMD intervention

Join the movement
to eradicate
Needle Stick injuries (NSIs)
in India!


    Take a Pledge to Make India NSI Free

    Together, we protect India's health.

    Set out on a journey to combat Needle Stick Injuries (NSIs) across India! Stand with us and make the promise for a more secure future! India, known for its versatility and development, is equipped to triumph over a quiet enemy – Needle Stick Injuries (NSIs) – that silently infects our Healthcare workers. Really, the Indian Diary of Clinical Exploration reports a stunning 2 million NSIs yearly across the world, inciting the requirement for a ground-breaking movement!

    Solidarity in action, a shield of satisfaction - together protecting India from Needle Stick Injuries.

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    How will India

    dispoject Syringe

    Empowering Training

    Arm our healthcare champions, students, and the public with NSI knowledge. Foster an understanding of risks and champion preventive measures. 

    Continuous Improvement

    Sharpen individuals to demand safer medical devices. By promoting a culture of safety, we aim to strengthen healthcare professionals, consigning NSIs to history.

    The Promise

    Be a part of the movement, take the pledge! Let every heartbeat resonate with a commitment to a safer, healthier India. Visit our site or nearby participating medical centers to pledge your support.

    Be a Part of the Change

    Together, We Will WIN! 


    Life Stories: “My Life Changed With the Prick of a Needle”

    Life Stories: “My Life Changed With the Prick of a Needle”

    My Needle Story : Stuck by a Needle, Not by a Decision

    My Needle Story : Stuck by a Needle, Not by a Decision

    My Needle Story : My Life Changed With the Prick of a Needle

    My Needle Story : My Life Changed With the Prick of a Needle

    Needle Stick Inquiry Case Records

    Global Records Chart

    Let’s talk about a change which no one has initiated.
    Take the Pledge NOW!