Founded on 2nd August 1957 and formally inaugurated on 4th January 1959, Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. was conceived to cater to the emerging needs of the Medical Profession across the Globe. Honoring the vision of our Founder, Late Mr. Narindra Nath Ji, HMD was created to serve Medical Profession with affordable, World Class Medical Devices aiming to secure a predominant position in the global healthcare industry by harnessing research, technology & manpower for the better good of mankind whilst promoting patient safety. The idea was to manufacture & market products of International Standard and offer them for the benefit of patients and doctors at prices that any other local manufacturer would find difficult to meet without compromising quality market leadership.

It was the very first technical collaboration between a Japanese Corporation & India MSME set up to produce Glass Syringes in the year 1959 and subsequently adding other products such as Surgical Blades in 1971, Single Use Syringes in 1986 and so on. Since innovation is one of the main pillars of HMD's philosophy, offering the best quality medical consumables to a demanding market is a mandate. Thus, catering to this commitment effectively, HMD has set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility for manufacturing K1 Design Auto Disable Syringes for which HMD Collaborated with M/s. Star Syringe Ltd., (which is a UK based company founded by Mr. Mark Koska {Inventor}). The Auto Disable Syringe now goes by the brand name, Kojak Selinge. Speaking of collaborations, HMD also joined forces with M/s. Estar Technology, Israel, and launched the Vaku-8 brand of Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes ensuring safe blood collection in a closed system..

Furthermore, HMD recently signed an agreement with the Swedish Medical Technology Company- Vigmed. As per this agreement, Vigmed granted HMD the right to utilize Vigmed patents on non-integrated Safety I.V.Catheters and to also market these products under HMD’s brand in selected markets. Thereafter, in 2018, Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. launched India Made Disposable Pen Needle. The high precision engineered and technologically advanced, yet affordable, Insulin Pen Needle aimed to offer a less painful injection whilst further discouraging reuse of Injection. HMD reiterated its global vision and long term goal of becoming “Top 5” in each of its business segments by building a unique competitive advantage in key businesses.