Alcohol swabs, also known as alcohol prep pads or alcohol wipes, are gauze pads soaked with alcohol. They are the go-to antiseptic wipes for cleaning a patch of skin prior to a needle puncture, injection, or minor pre-operation to prevent infections from bacteria. In some cases, it also offers relief from minor wounds. Being antiseptic, medical alcohol swabs prevent the reproduction and growth of microorganisms. They are applied to skin to reduce the possibility of sepsis, infection, or putrefaction.

- Dispo Cann Alcohol Swabs, with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, contain an optimal disinfectant volume.
- Our Alcohol Swabs are produced in a Class 7 Clean Room using fully automated machines equipped with eye mark sensors to ensure even solution distribution on the pads.
- Ensuring top-quality consistency is our priority, we prevent any dry pieces from reaching our customers.
- Ready to use, our Alcohol Swabs is manufactured at a size of 30 x 60mm and can be used in variety of applications include Labs, Clean Rooms, Households, Hospitals.
- Alcohol swabs are pre-soaked with a consistent amount of alcohol, providing an easy and quick solution for disinfecting. With cotton balls, you need a separate alcohol bottle, which can be less convenient and consistent. (add blog here)
- Description
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Alcohol swabs come in sealed packets for single use. Therefore, there is no chance of these being infected with bacteria from the surroundings. On the other hand, cotton balls generally come in continuous rolls. Once the roll is opened, it is susceptible to dust particles and bacteria in the surroundings. This makes patients prone to infections at the injection site. We thereby encourage using alcohol swabs
Key Highlights
Ready-to-use, and comes pre-moistened
Size: 30X60 mm
It helps disinfect the skin and other surfaces from harmful bacteria and pathogens
Made of non-woven cellulose, which creates a soft and strong product
Contains 70% v/v isopropyl alcohol for proper disinfection
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